President Trump On Fox And Friends – Full Interview | 2/28/17

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3 Responses to President Trump On Fox And Friends – Full Interview | 2/28/17

  1. joshua says:

    As much as I WANT to listen to President Trump tonight, I plan to wait and watch later….because I do not TRUST Congress members and SJW activists not to be DISRESPECTFUL and Disruptive…and that will make me FURIOUS when I want to merely cheer on our President’s plans and actions. My Cold Anger is getting too hot with the after election attack dogs…..I will NEVER believe the MSM or the GOPe RINOS or any Democrat or Liberal who says or does anything.


  2. amwick says:

    I like the curvy couch… All three of these people seem pretty decent to me. Our President likes them too,,,,, so it’s all good. My morning news program.

    Liked by 1 person

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