Insanity – Your Gender is What You Say It Is

This man cannot be serious. I have to believe that this is a political ploy rather than a serious policy position.

This is the topic I was discussing on Facebook last night. One moon bat woman in that discussion group believes that transgender people should have Title IX protection. Actually, she believes that they should have protection under Federal civil rights legislation. She became so abusive in her comments that I felt compelled to block her, which I did.

If any of you understands that point of view, please attempt to explain it to me. I don’t think you will be able to, but you are welcome to try.

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74 Responses to Insanity – Your Gender is What You Say It Is

  1. TwoLaine says:

    And here I tho’t we were all purple penguins. Did I miss a class?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. auscitizenmom says:

    This guy was making stuff up and calling Tucker names. I mean, “science says you are the gender you say you are”? I mean really?! Who, in their right mind, would even say that?

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Cetera says:

    Some sense might be starting to prevail. The American College of Pediatrics says transgenderism in minors is child abuse:

    I can’t wait until science and doctors are accused of hate crimes.

    Liked by 7 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Come back and talk to me when these ‘concerned’ physicians start to treat all gender-confused kiddies for free.

      Liked by 1 person

      • joshua says:

        circumcision is going to be a real eye opener for some of these snowflakes


        • czarowniczy says:

          Yeah, true, but I don’t see a bris trade forming…


          • joshua says:

            happens some time after infant stage…going to be mandatory on anyone going to any mens bathroom….and if you don’t got a spout, it is going to be a probe and slash deal…hurt and pain….but , heck….as long as you Get Your Demands met…what could go wrong…


            • joshua says:

              just kidding…..will be a virtual reality service with a lot of serious singing and some picnic dinner on the grounds….all is well….it IS America…and That is Just Who We Are….


            • czarowniczy says:

              Well, for one thing, you could wake up obe morning, roll over and find you’re camped out with Hillary or Pelosi.


    • kinthenorthwest says:

      Cannot believe the parents that are pushing their preschool kids to be gay.
      As said above, even most of the gay population will tell you that it was not until they were way into their teens or early adulthood that they understood what was going on. Most gays feel that late teens or early adulthood is the youngest.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cetera says:

    LOL, they took down the video already.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. The Tundra PA says:

    I watched this segment last night in utter disbelief. How does such absolute moonbat lunacy walk around every day and continue breathing? I love how Tucker skewers these fools, and with such skill that they don’t even realize how idiotic their positions are shown to be. The guy probably left thinking he had handled the interview pretty well. Braindead lemmings, the lot of them.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Cetera says:

      It is a rejection of truth, and the Truth. It is the logical end of moral relativism. There can’t be objective Truth under any relativistic system, and we’re seeing it all play out now. Opposition to the Truth is evil, and the source of everything opposing Truth is demonic.

      As I pointed out one or twice before 😉 , leftism is opposed to Love and the Eternal. The goal of the demonic is confusion, insanity, and denial of reality in opposition to the Truth.

      Liked by 6 people

  6. ZurichMike says:

    This is the only wedge issue remaining that the screaming leftists hope they can use to show the rest of us how ignorant we are.

    On the other hand, Sweden (of all places) had solved this bathroom issue a long time ago. New buildings and conference centers have a series of individual WC (water closet) installations: toilet and sink and lockable door — kind of like the familiar 1/2 bath in many homes. So gender is out of the picture — it’s just “which one is free to use?”

    Liked by 7 people

  7. John Denney says:

    Zac lives in a world of cognitive dissonance, where on the one hand, he calls Tucker silly for suggesting that a man would call himself a woman just so he could play on the women’s team, while on the other hand he thinks the President is evil. In Zac’s world, men are both pure as the driven snow and evil incarnate, but the evil ones, though they may desire to play on the women’s team, are somehow unable to call themselves women.

    Reminds me of a home school kid I knew who read, “The Communist Manifesto” and proclaimed to his Mom that it was brilliant, except for one problem: people are sinners.

    So leftists have the same cognitive dissonance as Zac, thinking one class is pure and the other evil.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. joshua says:

    The “dudette lad” is clearly an Egyptian Pharaoh wannabe…..

    Liked by 2 people

  9. joshua says:

    change out the toilet paper on all bathrooms….

    Liked by 1 person

  10. kinthenorthwest says:

    For all the women in here. How often have you locked the stall door only to have it not hold and someone walks in. Or how often have you done the same to another women.
    I raise my hand to both, along with having my young daughters or young granddaughters in tow.
    I refuse to even think about the possibility of the above happening with a young girl, only to have some guy standing there with their wacker hanging out. I mean it would be bad enough if it was jut me.
    The above doesn’t even take into consideration that some perverts will use it as an excuse. Don’t we have enough perverts doing it without giving them a legal excuse to do it.
    Just my two cents.


    • joshua says:

      well, not sure here….but MOST guys wait until they are standing over the toilet before unleashing “their wacker” for action…..I mean, consider the logistics here….spontaneous output could easily start prior to proper positioning….not withstanding someone MIGHT be there already…..secret……guys SHOES are visible from under the stall door….so guys RARELY do the push and play deal without some amount of awareness…..jes sayin’


  11. amwick says:

    Muddying gender identities will totally obscure other identities, which are already somewhat indistinct. There should be no more racial identities, and their subsequent bennies… if you get my drift.


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