Inaugural Events, President Donald J Trump, January 19-21, 2017


The inauguration of Donald Trump as America’s 45th president is the highlight of several days of celebratory events in Washington DC. Here’s a timeline of events.

Thursday, January 19

10:35 am – Performances begin at Lincoln Memorial. “Voices of the People,” the first act of a day-long public concert, will feature groups such as the DC Fire Department Emerald Society Pipes and Drums, the Republican Hindu Coalition, high school marching bands, choirs and baton twirlers.

3:30 pm to 4 pm – Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in honor of the nation’s veterans.

4 pm to 6 pm – Trump will deliver remarks during the second act of the concert at Lincoln Memorial, dubbed the “Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration.” The event, broadcast live nationally, will be headlined by country stars Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood and feature a fireworks finale.

Trump is expected to spend Thursday night at Blair House, the presidential guest residence across the street from the White House.

Friday, January 20

Morning – Trump, Pence and their families are expected to attend services at St. John’s Episcopal Church, just steps from the White House.

Afterward, President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama welcome Trump and his wife Melania to the White House for morning tea. The two couples will then travel together to the Capitol by motorcade.

9:30 am – Inauguration ceremony begins on the west front of the Capitol with musical performances.

Attendees will include members of Congress, Supreme Court justices, diplomats and the public. Former presidents Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton will attend, as will Trump’s election opponent Hillary Clinton.

Former president George H.W. Bush is in frail health and will not be present.

Sixteen-year-old soprano Jackie Evancho will sing the national anthem. The Rockettes dance troupe will also be performing, at a time yet to be announced.

11:30 am – Opening remarks. Religious leaders will offer the invocation and readings.

Pence will be sworn in by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Noon – Trump will recite the oath of office, administered by US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. He will use president Abraham Lincoln’s inauguration Bible, as well as the Bible that Trump’s mother gave to him at his Sunday school graduation in 1955. Afterward, Trump will deliver his inaugural address.

12:30 Ceremony ends.

Afterward, in keeping with tradition, Trump and Pence will attend the Congressional Lunch in the Capitol.

3 pm to 5 pm – Inaugural parade. The newly minted president and vice-president make their way 1.5 miles (2.4 kilometers) along Pennsylvania Avenue from the Capitol to the White House, trailed by some 8,000 parade participants. They will include members of all US military branches, as well as high school and university marching bands, equestrian corps, first responders, veteran groups and even a tractor brigade.

7 pm to 11 pm – Trump, Pence and their wives will make appearances at three official inaugural balls, two of which will be held at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center and the other at the National Building Museum. A number of semi-official and unofficial balls also will take place throughout the city.

Saturday, Jan 21

10 am to 11 am – Trump and Pence attend the interfaith National Prayer Service, held at the Washington National Cathedral.

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29 Responses to Inaugural Events, President Donald J Trump, January 19-21, 2017

  1. nyetneetot says:

    Thursday, January 19

    10:35 am – Lincoln Memorial. Protesters get pepper sprayed in the face.

    3:30 pm to 4 pm – Arlington National Cemetery. Protesters get pepper sprayed in the face.

    4 pm to 6 pm – Lincoln Memorial. Protesters get pepper sprayed in the face. (Crowd favorite)

    Trump is expected to spend Thursday night at Blair House, the presidential guest residence across the street from the White House watching the CCTV coverage of protesters get pepper sprayed in the face.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. amwick says:

    I hope and pray nobody gets hurt… Make noise, but please do not get nasty… I know, I know, wishful thinking.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. amwick says:

    Our PE Trump is arriving at the Trump Hotel…. any minute now…..:)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wooly Phlox says:

    Liked by 1 person

  5. czarowniczy says:

    You’d think that after over 50 years of the working American taxpayer being forced, literally at gunpoint, to feed, medicate, clothe, house and educate certain segments of the US population these same ‘recipients’ would at least have the basest shreds of dignity to attend the Inauguration. OK you ingrates, I hope Trump makes you go to work and pay your own way. Howzat for a gypsy curse?

    Liked by 3 people

  6. czarowniczy says:

    So far not one scantily clad, gyrating booty-shaker screaming out lyrics about how her people be o-pressed (not necessarily her, jes her peeps). Toby Keith singing American Soldier with lyrics about honor and duty, two concepts that are holy water and garlic to Democrsts. Thank you, God, for a government I can feel is American and not hyphenated American and that I can feel pride in again…it’s been eight years of shame.
    Just about the time I thought the Rats couldn’t get any worse than Johnson and Cater someone got the plunger out and gave us Obama.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. czarowniczy says:

    I’m presuming thst the distinct lack of Usual Ethnic Whiner representation was due to their either not being able to get off of work or they see the opportunities on the horizon and are out looking for work.
    Go ahead, tell me that was racist, go ahead…..


  8. auscitizenmom says:

    Was that not one amazing fireworks display? And, did anyone notice the sky earlier. It was the perfect backdrop to what was going on.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. stella says:

    Dedicated to our new President.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wooly Phlox says:


      “The Road Less Traveled”

      There’s a road a winding road that never ends
      Full of curves lessons learned at every bend
      Goin’s rough unlike the straight and narrow
      It’s for those who go against the grain
      Have no fear dare to dream of a change
      live to march to the beat of a different drummer
      And it all might come together
      And it all might unraveled
      On the road less traveled

      For the road less traveled ain’t for the faint of heart
      For those who choose to play it safe and never stray too far
      Me I want to live my life and one day leave my mark
      And it all might come together
      And it all come unraveled
      On the road less traveled

      I’ve chosen a pathway I may not endure
      One thing’s for certain nothing’s for sure
      And it all might come together
      And it all might come unraveled
      On the road less traveled

      For the road less traveled ain’t for the faint of heart
      For those who choose to play it safe and never stray too far
      Me I want to live my life and one day leave my mark
      And it all might come together
      And it all come unraveled
      On the road less traveled

      There’s a road winding road that never ends


  10. Patriot1783 says:

    Wall of Meat has arrived, Haha check out the “Trumpmobile” 😂😂😂

    Liked by 2 people

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