General Discussion, Sunday, January 15, 2017


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164 Responses to General Discussion, Sunday, January 15, 2017

  1. Col.(R) Ken says:

    Thought I would turn the lights on!!! Looking for my Coffee cup!!!!!

    Liked by 7 people

  2. MaryfromMarin says:

    [reposted from “Judge Jeanine” thread…]

    My rep is not attending the Inauguration. I got an idiot mass email from him, explaining what he is going to do instead–“community-building events” from January 19-21.

    I replied with (perhaps) commendable “restraint”, pointing out how unwise, foolish, and immature his decision to skip the Inauguration is.

    Will be interesting to see what response I might get back.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. texan59 says:

    Five days and counting. Coffee up y’all. I’m sure we’re gonna need it.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Wooly Phlox says:

    This was written in 2009. 5 days.

    This was written by Sherry Hackett, Buddy Hackett’s widow……..
    President Obama:

    Today I read of your administrations’ plan to re-define September 11 as a National Service Day. Sir, it’s time we had a talk………

    During your campaign, Americans watched as you made mockery of our tradition of standing and crossing your heart when the Pledge of Allegiance was spoken. You, out of four people on the stage, were the only one not honoring our tradition.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    During one of your many speeches, Americans heard you say that you intended to visit all 57 states. We all know that Islam, not America has 57 states.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    When President Bush leaned over at Ground Zero and gently placed a flower on the memorial, while you nonchalantly tossed your flower onto the pile without leaning over.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    Every time you apologized to other countries for America ‘s position on an issue we have wondered why you don’t share our pride in this great country. When you have heard foreign leaders berate our country and our beliefs, you have not defended us. In fact, you insulted the British Crown beyond belief.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    When your pastor of 20 years, “God-damned America ” and said that 9/11 was ” America ‘s chickens coming home to roost” and you denied having heard recriminations of that nature, we wondered how that could be. You later disassociated yourself rom that church and Pastor Wright because it was politically expedient to do so.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    When you announced that you would transform America , we wondered why. With all her faults, America is the greatest country on earth. Sir KEEP THIS IN MIND, if not for America and the people who built her, you wouldn’t be sitting in the White House now.” Prior to your election to the highest office in this Country, you were a senator from Illinois and from what we can glean from the records available, not a very remarkable one.
    YES, “We noticed..”

    All through your campaign and even now, you have surrounded yourself with individuals who are basically unqualified for the positions for which you appointed them. Worse than that, the majority of them are people who, like you, bear no special allegiance, respect, or affection for this country and her traditions.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    You are 9 months into your term and every morning millions of Americans wake up to a new horror heaped on us by you. You seek to saddle working Americans with a health care/insurance reform package that, along with cap and trade, will bankrupt this nation.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    We seek, by protesting, to let our representatives know that we are not in favor of these crippling expenditures and we are labeled “un-American”,”racist”, “mob”. We wonder how we are supposed to let you know how frustrated we are. You have attempted to make our protests seem isolated and insignificant. Until your appointment, Americans had the right to speak out.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    On September 11, 2001 there were no Republicans or Democrats, only Americans. And we all grieved together and helped each other in whatever way we could. The attack on 9/11 was carried out because we are Americans.
    And YES, “We noticed.”

    There were many of us who prayed that as a black president you could help unite this nation. In six months you have done more to destroy this nation than the attack on 9/11. You have failed us.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    September 11 is a day of remembrance for all Americans..You propose to make 9/11 a “National Service Day”. While we know that you don’t share our reverence for 9/11, we pray that history will report your proposal as what it is…a disgrace.
    YES, “We noticed.”

    You have made a mockery of our Constitution and the office that you hold. You have embarrassed and slighted us in foreign visits and policy.
    YES, “We noticed..”

    We have noticed all these things. We will deal with you. When Americans come together again, it will be to remove you from office.

    Take notice.

    Liked by 5 people

  5. amwick says:

    I was very upset to find out a long time friend of mine is actually saddened by the thought of the inauguration. Nothing I said could convince her how horrible this country would have been with a Clinton presidency… 😦 x 10000 She kept saying that he will destroy this country…. and that the best they can do is survive the next 4 years, she and her friends are frightened…. I have faith that PE Trump will make good on his promises and things will improve here. This is a dear friend, she is still a dear friend, and I fully expect that she will see things differently very soon. But still sighs

    Liked by 3 people

    • stella says:

      Reminds me of a friend who voted for Obama, then dearly regretted it a couple of years later. Yet, she almost voted for Clinton. She SAID she changed over to Trump, but I wonder. Her reason was that “Trump won’t support the unions.” Just let it go. Let her know you disagree, and suggest that you not discuss politics for a while.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Wooly Phlox says:

        And yet… it looks as if Trump is supporting the Unions, if only for the fact that the union workers are, first and foremost, Americans.

        Welcome back, Ford Motor Company. You have a president who wants Americans to have jobs, for a change.

        Liked by 3 people

      • amwick says:

        That is just what happens with a few people… No politics,,, unless it is very light,,, a bit of a joke that is not partisan… oh well…


  6. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 7 people

  7. nyetneetot says:

    Mornin’ stella! (Smiter of those that ought to be smote) 😎 🍸 (Long Island Iced Tea)
    Mornin’ WeeWeed! (Master Mixologist Extrodinare) 😎 🍸 (Old Fashioned)
    Mornin’ Menagerie! 😎 |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| (Jack Daniels – Single Barrel )
    Mornin’ Ad rem! (Queen Felis catus) 🐱 🍸 (Flaming Lamborghini)
    Mornin’ Sharon! 😎 🍸 (earthquake)
    Mornin’ ytz4mee! 😎 🍸 (cosmopolitan)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (white wine and perrier)
    Mornin’ partyzantski! 🙂 |_| (Tom Collins)
    Mornin’ texan59! 🙂 |_| (Black & Tan)
    Mornin’ ZurichMike! 🙂 🍸 (fuzzy navel)
    Mornin’ Col.(R) Ken! (hand salute) 🙂 |_| (Boilermaker)
    Mornin’ Czarina! 🙂 🍸 (Lynchburg Lemonade)
    Mornin’ czarowniczy! 🙂 |_| (Wild Turkey Rare Breed)
    Mornin’ letjusticeprevail2014! 🙂 |_| (Irish Car Bomb)
    Mornin’ Patriot1783-ctdar! (aka “ctdar”) 🙂 🍸 (grasshopper)
    Mornin’ tessa50! 🙂 🍸 (flaming volcano)
    Mornin’ waltzingmtilda! 🙂 🍸 (sidecar)
    Mornin’ varsityward! 🙂 |_| (Godfather)
    Mornin’ MaryfromMarin! 😀 |_| (Mortlach)
    Mornin’ Wooly Phlox! (aka “taqiyyologist”) 🙂 |_| (Roy Rogers)
    Mornin’ Howie! 🙂 |_| (Classic Daiquiri)
    Mornin’ TwoLaine! 🙂 |_| (Gin & Tonic)
    Mornin’ Sha! 🙂 🍸 (Lemon Drop)
    Mornin’ BigMamaTEA! 🙂 🍸 (Harvey Wallbanger)
    Mornin’ cetera5! (aka “Cetera”) 🙂 |_| (Blackberry wine)
    Mornin’ The Tundra PA! 🙂 🍸 (Baileys Irish Cream on the rocks)
    Mornin’ lovely! 🙂 |_| (Backdraft)
    Mornin’ michellc! 🙂 🍸 (Salty dog)
    Mornin’ auscitizenmom! 🙂 🍸 (Kiss on the Lips)
    Mornin’ Margaret-Ann! 🙂 🍸 (White Russian)
    Mornin’ Auntie Lib! 🙂 🍸 (Tom and Jerry)
    Mornin’ holly100! 🙂 🍸 (Jack & Coke)
    Mornin’ Pam! 🙂 (Not even water)
    Mornin’ Ms.Tee! 🙂 🍸 (Mojito)
    Mornin’ koolkosherkitchen! 🙂 🍸 🍸 (Cuba Libre)
    Mornin’ ImpeachEmAll 🙂 |_| (Flaming Dr. Pepper)
    Mornin’ Monroe! 🙂 |_| (Stinger)
    Mornin’ Les! 🙂 |_| (Rusty Nail)
    Mornin’ shiloh1973! 🙂 |_| (Jack Daniels)
    Mornin’ TexasRanger! 🙂 |_| (Whiskey Smash)
    Mornin’ Ziiggii! 🙂 |_| (B52)
    Mornin’ oldiadguy! 🙂 |_| (Rum & Coke)
    Mornin’ smiley! (“stuck in spambucket”) 🙂 🍸 (Spanish coffee)
    Mornin’ derk! (“Stellars”) 🙂 🍸 (Kamikaze)
    Mornin’ Jacqueline Taylor Robson 🙂 🍸 (Shirley Temple)
    Mornin’ facebkwallflower! 🙂 |_| (Night Train Express)
    Mornin’ Ms. Cindy! (aka “Ms Cynlynn” aka “ms cynlynn”) 🙂 🍸 (1970 ducru beaucaillou)
    Mornin’ sandandsea2015! 🙂 🍸 (1961 Château Montrose)
    Mornin’ amwick! 🙂 🍸 (Blue motorcycle)
    Mornin’ hocuspocus13! 🙂 🍸 (1970 Chateau Latour)
    Mornin’ Sloth1963! 🙂 🍸 (1971 Moulin Touchais)
    Mornin’ MTeresa! (Ex-lurker) 🙂 |_| (Albanian Raki Moskat)
    Mornin’ Rhea Salacia Volans! 🙂 |_| (Hot Buttered Rum)
    Mornin’ joshua! 🙂 |_| (Mudslide)
    Mornin’ John Denney 🙂 |_| (RumChata)
    Mornin’ litenmaus 🙂 |_| (Smoking Bishop)
    Mornin’ whiners and complainers! 😛 (No drink for you!)
    Mornin’ to people posting that I missed. 😳
    Mornin’ to all you lurkers! 😕

    Also just in case someday; mornin’ to Elvis Chupacabra, F.D.R. in Hell and sundance! :mrgreen:


    NEW and IMPROVED breakfast with extra bacon for ZurichMike!

    Doughnuts for coffee!

    Liked by 7 people

  8. stella says:

    Really good piece about the Trump/Russia story by our friend, Clarice.

    The Trump Dossier Puts the Deep State in Deep Doo-Doo

    Liked by 5 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      Good article. She really lays out how that dossier was constructed. She also makes clear who some of OUR enemies in the government are. 😦

      Liked by 5 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      Good article but it largely restates what some of us posted here early on. The Trump report was meant for the uninformed and why the people involved in its realese did do, other than desperation, is a mystery. Let’s face it, it was raw, half-baked, easily debunked…not a professional operation at all.
      I can see the Bush supporters backing out when Trump got the nomination, at that point they had more to lose than gain by attacking him. I can think of a few reasons why Hillary’s supporters would continue on, but not why they’d accept such a shoddy product.
      I’m wondering if the alleged intelligence community support for Hillary isn’t a section of it using Bill and Hillary’s well-documented Arkansas contacts with them to, basically, blackmail them into doing what this certain segment wants them to do? Hillary would be their last shot at owning a president for some time and they would support her out of supporting their own best interests. Had they have had a hand in the report it wouldn’t have been so shoddy, I’m betting the section that did support Hillary didn’t get deeply involved as they thought she was going to win.
      If I were Steele I would be looking over my shoulder a lot. When you think about the implications of what might have happened internationally had Hillary have won there are more than Russian actors who might want to see Steele’s career ended. I’m betting he’ll be a nervous nellie for the foreseeable future.
      I would love to see why the judges turned down the FISA warrant application. The FISA court is as close to a Star Chamber as the US has ever come, a self-licking ice cream cone created of, by and for the government’s own invasive desires. The number of warrant apps turned down is really not known but is reliably rumored to be a very small fraction of what are issued. Maybe the judges thought that if Trump won and found out about their authorizing a politically-based operation against him all hell would break loose. We’ll never know.

      Liked by 3 people

      • lovely says:

        I haven’t read the article yet, but interesting enough John Brennan the CIA Director was just on Fox News and said that the reason the intelligence community gave the information about the salacious rumors to Trump was simply so that Trump knew the rumors were were out there not so the MSM could have cover & spread the rumors with the cover of the “intelligence community” thereby legitimizing them.

        Question, which Fox of course did not ask, Did the intelligence community prepare a dossier on Reggie Love and give it to multiple sources?

        I believe Brennan is a liar.

        The question is why was something so unfounded, so salacious and of such malicious origin brought through the backdoor into the president’s hands, president elect’s hands and funneled under the guise of being an intelligence report to the media?

        It seems to me that answer after answer is pushed aside and we are continuously left with someone(s) continuous attempt to delegitimize Trump’s presidency. Why are they trying to delegitimize Trumps presidency? I think we all know the answer to that question.

        Praying for Trump’s physical safety.

        Liked by 2 people

        • auscitizenmom says:

          i thought that Trump said they did not bring up the dossier in his briefing. Brennan said they did. I will believe Trump before Brennan.

          Liked by 3 people

        • czarowniczy says:

          Methinks this smells of compost. So ‘intel community’ couldn’t secretly pass the info to Trump so that in the possibility it might leak to the press Trump could be ready? They couldn’t pass along a dossier of info that contradicted the report? They did have one, I can guarantee.

          Liked by 2 people

    • Wooly Phlox says:

      AT is one of the first sites I visit in the morning.

      Not only the posts, but the comments, too. I hope AT never changes.

      Commenter VonMisesJr is one of the most astute commenters online.

      I used to peruse Townhall and WND, but they became clickbait heaven.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. joshua says:

    Has anybody SEEN that fool old Barrack..
    does anybody CARE……..where he has gone……
    He peed off a lotta people, but he kept on flapping his stupid tongue.
    But I just looked around AND HE IS GONE…..(Hallelujah!)
    January 20 MAGA.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. texan59 says:

    Our favorite Sunday columnist takes on the dossier, and the deep state. Take a read with your coffee.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Wooly Phlox says:

    I wonder what happened to Google Images.

    Before about a month or so ago, it was slick, next-gen web design. Whatever image you want, you can find, right away. A whole, seamless grid of images related to your search term, laid out like it’s Current Year.

    Now it looks like Internet, circa 1998. Why did they do that? Now it’s next to impossible to find an image that you could find in 4 seconds a month ago.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. WeeWeed says:

    Liked by 6 people

  13. ImpeachEmAll says:

    Missed a great Caturday post.

    better later; than never. Here ’tis…

    Liked by 4 people

  14. Wooly Phlox says:

    I’ve had a job offer I probably won’t refuse. 40 hours, restaurant, kinda high end (for this area).

    A chef I worked with and hung out with for years offered it to me yesterday. He knows how well I work, and was happy when I quit — because most of his workers are lazy, unimaginative, and addicted to their texting and Facebook, and — he knows how I work.

    He’s the guy that got me into Joe Bonamassa.

    I’ll keep ya posted.

    Liked by 4 people

    • ImpeachEmAll says:

      Good luck and best wishes.

      Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Sounds like good news. Will be nice to work with someone who really appreciates you.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Wooly Phlox says:

      It’s all about fear, with me.

      Been with one company for 9 years. Sure, I know their processes and their buildings down to the wire and pipe and grout-line.

      The owner of chef’s company also knows my work ethic.

      So, what am I afraid of?

      I can even do barn detail.

      Liked by 2 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        Frequently feels safer to sit on an uncomfortable rock that risk finding a new one that might be more uncomfortable. We used to say in the military that our best assignment was the one we were going to and our worst was the one we were leaving.
        If it gets too bad I know a clam shack in Seattle thst needs help…

        Liked by 4 people

        • Wooly Phlox says:

          Thanks, czar. Heard.


          • czarowniczy says:

            I hated to move, I always had to be poked with a sharp stick. As a kid we moved every fourvyears, in the military I moved more frequently than that.
            I just got comfortable and that was that, Czarina had to drag me out of my familiar but relatively futureless existance to New Orleans where every day was an exciting new day in the third world. Good food though.

            Liked by 1 person

      • lovely says:

        Just remember how quickly the new place will become familiar to you, the chef is already familiar to you and likely you know him pretty well so that is a comfortable foot in the door it is not an entire mystery. The first step is always the most intimidating.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Menagerie says:

        We have a lot in common. Like routine, security, and familiar surroundings. Growth and opportunity just about never happen in those places though.

        Step outside your comfort zone and expand. I’m betting you’ll be glad, either because you found a great job, or because you learned more stuff. As I’m sure you also know, I’ve learned some of my best lessons from awful bosses and horrible jobs.


      • Col.(R) Ken says:

        Wooly come on down!!! No pigs, just cows, and a few horses. Barn Details is a catch all phase, clean 4 stalls, spread new saw dust down, once a week all saw dust is clean up. Inspect stall mats,for wear. Make sure the stall water trough is clean, feed (oats,corn, meds mix) is in feed bucket, quarter bale of orchard grass in sling. Now scape center out to paddock area. If cows are in paddock area, scape whole area and pile on wagon for spreading later. Add 2’round bales of orchard grass to stand, for cows, ground corn and meds added as needed. If cows are in pasture,( spring, summer, fall never in winter) change bucket to forks, put bales on this side of creek. Do head count on all animals.
        Now inspect feed, sawdust pile, and orchard grass bales for contamination and moisture. Inspect Barn. Refuel tractors used, in cold weather start all tractors, let idle for an hour.
        And every Sunday, fresh milk for barn cats, do not pick up or touch barn cats and do a head count.
        Warm weather about 2 hours, cold weather 2-3 hours. Then go to Hotty Grams’ restaurant for breakfast. Come home, take off all barn clothes outside, leave outside, then shower up…..Now I’m ready for the day.
        If leaving for a day or two, extra feed for the horses…..
        I think that it in general, a lot more goes on…….


    • auscitizenmom says:

      Better pay?

      Liked by 1 person

    • lovely says:

      CongratulationsWooly, I hope it all works out for you 🙂


    • amwick says:

      As long as it makes you happy… good luck..


  15. Wooly Phlox says:

    Nine years. I’ve been doing painting for the landlady. 100-year old baseboard trim and door trim, with the rosette pieces at the top. Yeah, those are fun to paint. Not kidding.

    And I’ma jump back into a restaurant. Pray. Thx.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. ImpeachEmAll says:

    Katica has great news.

    Hope it’s the real deal.


  17. ImpeachEmAll says:

    Sadly, 20 politicians refuse to attend the Trump Inauguration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Nobody cares. Does anyone remember their little sit-in a couple of months ago? No?

      Liked by 4 people

      • czarowniczy says:

        And how many of the nonattendees are protesting their seats at the public pigout trough being in danger? How many Republicans refused to,attend the POtuS’s two inaugurations? Just the usual innercity lack of respect fot what most see as civilized behavior. Whoops, reminds me, time fot the local news…..

        Liked by 2 people

    • czarowniczy says:

      On my 18th Airborne hat I have the crossed US and Mississippi state flag pin. Can’t wait to be wearin’ that thru a blue state airport. Yo, TSA, fondle DIS!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Col.(R) Ken says:

        Czar, maybe I’m wrong, have come across any info of that AR BDE deployment into Poland is permanent?
        Got an email, ……..and he closed with “I’ll be in Poland for a while”. I did a site survey for Army boys/girls in Bulgaria many years ago……


        • czarowniczy says:

          I’m seeing 3rd Armored Combat Brigade Team out of 4th Infantry Division. 4th was my unit’s assigned wartime unit back when the 4th was at Ft Carson.


          • czarowniczy says:

            Seems to be more of a NATO show of force than a permanent post. If they start forward locating equipment it should indicate something more permanant. The permanence of any US deployment will depend on Trump’s stand on dealing with Russia as RR did.
            Leftist newspapers are already comparing the US/NATO deployment to Nazi Germany’s’ invasion that started WW II. They’d be well to remember Germany moved into Poland after a deal with Stalin to invade and divide Poland.


  18. ImpeachEmAll says:

    Liked by 1 person

    • czarowniczy says:

      She’d better line ip a top notch campaign sales team, Rats can’t do much about the WH but until 2020 they’ll heavily concentrate on regaining Congress.

      Liked by 2 people

  19. czarowniczy says:

    I’ll bet that if Trump and Congress want to destroy Obamacare all they have to do is remove the penalty/fine for not buying it and the program will collapse under its own weight. Original plan was to destroy the insurance industry and bring hospitals and doctors under the Fed’s thumb. Proponents knew that as the program chugged along the premiums would have to rise thru the roof, it was obvious.
    Before too long many will either roll into Medicaid, swamping state budgets, or just buy placeholder policies that keep them from getting fined but provide inadaquate coverage. Folks will be screaming that the Feds takeover healthcare in its entirety and that will truely be the beginning of the end.


    • Col.(R) Ken says:

      I even have a better Idea,,, you want health care, come to the VA, yeah step right up…..Dims and Rats congress critters would be overthrown within 6months of health care, oh the best health care as provided to our Vets……..yeah, stand in line….


      • czarowniczy says:

        Why the (beep) would Congresspersons use the VA when they get free outpatient care at military hospitals and billed inpatient care at a special rate determined by the DoD…you know, the same DoD that’s dependent on Congress for $$$$$$$?
        Congressmembers get it, their families don’t.


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