In 2022 Joe Biden gave ‘mass amnesty’ to illegal migrants

More monkey business by Joe Biden to hasten a hoard of new Democrat voters by granting tens of thousands of illegal border jumpers legal status without adjudication.


Over 350,000 migrants who entered the U.S. illegally have had their immigration court cases dismissed, allowing them to go free without a verdict on the merits of their entry, a bombshell new report indicates. 

A top Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) adviser, Kerry Doyle, circulated a memo in 2022 instructing prosecutors to dismiss cases for migrants who are not found to be national security threats, the New York Post first reported

As a result, that year nearly 103,000 migrants had their cases dismissed – allowing them to walk free into the U.S. without an immigration court judge’s verdict on the merits of their asylum claim. 

Later in 2023, that number of dismissed cases skyrocketed to 149,000. 

So far in fiscal year 2024, 114,00 cases have been terminated without a verdict, according to the report. 

Under Biden’s leadership, a whopping 77 percent of migrants who claim asylum have been allowed to stay in the U.S., according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), a non-profit that scours immigration court filings.

In fact, under Biden’s tenure the most popular way for migrants to be allowed to remain in the country under formal asylum proceedings is not by being granted relief by a judge, but rather having that judge dismiss the case entirely – following the guidance of Doyle’s 2022 memo. 

‘This is just a massive amnesty under the guise of prosecutorial discretion,’ a former immigration judge now working for the Center for Immigration Studies, Andrew Arthur, told The Post.

‘You’re basically allowing people who don’t have a right to be in the United States to be here indefinitely,’ he continued. 

ICE officers who spoke to The Post indicated that though these migrants’ cases are dismissed after being found without criminal records, they still commit crimes after being released into the U.S. interior. 

This forces these officers to then start removal proceedings anew, sometimes taking years and surely costing taxpayer-provided resources. 

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