General Discussion, Monday, June 3, 2024

Schooner Western Union, off Key West

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42 Responses to General Discussion, Monday, June 3, 2024

  1. Lucille says:


    Carmel-by-the-Sea, California…

    Cannon Beach, Oregon…

    Newport, Rhode Island…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Lucille says:

    The 14 Best Places For A Weekend Getaway In Florida

    By Tara Massouleh McCay – Updated on May 13, 2024

    From the Panhandle to the southeast coast and everywhere in between, there are so many places to take a weekend getaway in Florida. Spanning more than 65,000 miles, nearly every square inch of the Sunshine State has something special to offer. From white sand beaches and sparkling shorelines to mystical everglade forests and serpentine river systems, there’s a reason Florida is the second most visited state and the single most popular retirement destination in the country.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Linda is no longer homeless 🥹❤️

    Jimmy Darts 3.76M subscribers

    Liked by 2 people

  4. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ sports fans!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. texan59 says:

    Good mornin’, and Happy Monday, kids! Had to take a few days off for a family situation, but I’m back. This brass coffee maker was made in Austria near the end of the 19th century. A little spit and polish, and it’ll be just like new. Keep the faith and carpe your diem.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. czarina33 says:

    National Leave the Office Early Day – well it is Monday…

    National Repeat Day

    National Egg Day

    National Chocolate Macaroon Day – chocolate and coconut are good together

    Liked by 4 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    Afternoon All. It is 55* and raining here. Maybe this is the wet season. I can’t remember what it was doing last year. I think it is supposed to rain all day today.

    I haven’t heard about any bad weather over the weekend, so I really hope there wasn’t any and everyone is safe and happy. 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    • WeeWeed says:

      😀 Afternoon Mom!


    • Lucille says:

      Hi, aus! That was hilarious. Sounds like Shawn Farash doing the impersonating.

      Our weather is rainy today and tomorrow. Wouldn’t you know it…my heater is kaput. It’s a connected system of three–one in the living room and one each in the two bedrooms. So none of them work.

      Wow, just as I’m typing this, the sun burst through the clouds. Maybe I won’t freeze to death after all.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Lucille says:

    More dirty Dem shenanigans….

    Anti-union group blasts UAW president as ‘election denier’

    An ad in The New York Times says the UAW is undermining democracy in the workplace by calling for a new election at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Alabama.

    June 03, 2024 07:06 AM by NICK BUNKLEY

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Lucille says:

    Irrefutable Proof: New Video Exposes How Capital Police Orchestrated Stampede that Killed Roseanne Boyland on January 6

    By Assistant Editor Jun. 3, 2024 1:00 pm

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Stella says:

    Breitbart reports on the latest Bilderberg group meeting in Spain. They invited Stacey Abrams. Really?

    This year’s meeting in Madrid, hosted at the Eurostars Suites Mirasierra hotel from May 30th to June 2nd by Ana Botín, the executive chair of Banco Santander — the largest bank in Spain — saw over 130 supposed luminaries from around the world attend.

    Notable political participants included NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, European Council President Charles Michel, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Estonian PM Kaja Kallas, Finnish President Alexander Stubb, former Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, and ex-CIA chief David Petraeus.

    The meeting also saw top members of the financial sector attend, such as the President of the European Investment Bank Nadia Calviño, former Bank of England Governor Mark Carney, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser, and Deutsche Bank AG CEO Christian Sewing. Various members of the legacy media were also in attendance, including CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, however, journalists are prohibited from reporting on the goings on inside the meeting.

    Other noteworthy participants include former Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, Google DeepMind CEO Hassabis Demis, Microsoft AI CEO Mustafa Suleyman, and failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams.

    The Guardian reports that security for this year’s conference was “intense… even by Bilderberg standards”, noting that protection featured “police drones hovering over the hotel”.

    A bare-bones press release from the group said that this year’s Bilderberg Meeting will focus on topics such as the state and safety of Artificial Intelligence, the “changing faces of biology”, the climate, the “future of warfare”, the economic challenges in the United States and Europe, Ukraine, the Middle East, China, and Russia.

    Liked by 3 people

    • texan59 says:

      These people are the biggest hypocrites in the world and not really all that smart. As evidenced by inviting the Gov. of Georgia and the greatest TV news reader of all time. Right up there with Uncle Walter and Dan the Man!

      😀 😀 😀

      Liked by 3 people

    • WeeWeed says:

      Welp. Must be another propaganda distribution. Abrams isn’t qualified for much other than pie or hot dog eating contests imho.

      Liked by 2 people

      • texan59 says:

        I don’t want to be around her during one of those eatin’ contests. I’m pretty sure you walk away missing a digit or two. It amazes me when you look at how far this Country, and most others, have fallen from the days of statesmen like Franklin and Adams and Washington, to……………..this.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Lucille says:

    Even Israel Did Not Expect This Much! Something Happened That..U.S Warplanes Hit 3 Special Points!

    Posted June 3, 2024

    Liked by 2 people

  12. texan59 says:

    From an Epoch Times article about Bezos and his efforts to save the world with fake meat. Seems to me that there are just as many problems with this as there are with windmills and EV’s and self-driving cars and other stupid political grab bags –

    Amazon founder Jeff Bezos’s charity is establishing a multimillion-dollar research facility at North Carolina State University for manufacturing fake meat products.

    The Bezos Center for Sustainable Protein, which opened on May 31, will act as a “biomanufacturing hub for dietary proteins that are environmentally friendly, healthy, tasty, and affordable,” according to a statement.

    The Bezos Earth Fund—billed as a $10 billion commitment from Mr. Bezos to address “climate and nature within the current decade”—awarded the university $30 million to set up the center.

    The funding seeks to support research on three types of “sustainable proteins”—plant-based products, cultivated meat grown from animal cells, and precision fermentation that can produce proteins and nutrients to be used in food formulations.

    In total, the Earth Fund has committed $100 million to establish a network of research centers focused on such “sustainable protein alternatives.” The North Carolina facility will use the funds to research, create, and commercialize new technologies in the field and gauge the protein preferences of consumers.

    “Food production is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, so it’s critical we find ways to feed a growing population without degrading the planet,” Andrew Steer, president and CEO of the Earth Fund, said in a statement.

    Although “sustainable proteins” have tremendous potential, there needs to be more research to boost product flavors and reduce prices to ensure people have access to nutritious, affordable items, he said.

    While fake meat products are being promoted as being better for the environment, some studies contradict such claims.

    An analysis by researchers from the University of California–Davis found that the environmental effect of lab-grown or cultivated meat is likely to be “orders of magnitude” higher than that of retail beef. For their analysis—a preprint, not yet peer-reviewed—researchers looked at the energy consumed to produce lab meat and greenhouse gases emitted in the process.

    Currently, lab meat requires the use of highly purified or refined growth media to ensure cell multiplication. Deploying the technology to produce large quantities of meat ends up using “more resources, which then increases global warming potential,” according to doctoral graduate Derrick Risner from the UC–Davis Department of Food Science and Technology, who was the lead author of the analysis.

    The global warming potential of lab meat using purified media was estimated to be four to 25 times greater than the average for retail beef.

    There are also concerns about whether lab meat is safe for human consumption. A post by the Center for Food Safety points to the “genetic engineering of cells and their potential cancer-promoting properties” as a matter of particular concern regarding lab meat.

    The $100 million set aside for researching “sustainable protein alternatives” is part of the Bezos Earth Fund’s $1 billion commitment that aims to transform food and agricultural systems.

    The fund backs research on alternative proteins as it believes population expansion will depend on the widespread availability of proteins that are “produced in ways that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect nature.”

    The new facility is expected to act as an impetus for biomanufacturing firms to shift locations to North Carolina.

    Microsoft co-founder and tech billionaire Bill Gates is also backing a number of firms in the sector, including Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat, and Memphis Meat.Multiple US States Against Fake Meat

    The country’s first lab-grown meat products were approved last year. In June 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved Upside Foods, formerly known as Memphis Meats, and Good Meat to sell chicken products grown from animal cells.

    Multiple states are currently taking action against lab meat. Earlier in May, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed SB1084, which bans the “manufacture for sale, sale, holding or offering for sale, or distribution of cultivated meat” in the state.

    “Florida is taking action to stop the World Economic Forum’s goal of forcing the world to eat lab-grown meat and insects, ‘an overlooked source of protein,’” Mr. DeSantis’s office said in a statement. “While the World Economic Forum is telling the world to forgo meat consumption, Florida is increasing meat production, and encouraging residents to continue to consume and enjoy 100 percent real Florida beef.”

    During a news conference, the governor said the measure will push back against the plan of global elites to achieve their “authoritarian goals” through meat grown in labs.

    A few days later, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey signed into law similar legislation that bans the sale, distribution, and manufacture of lab meat. Violation of the law would result in fines and the revocation or suspension of permits.

    In January, Sens. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) and Jon Tester (D-Mont.) introduced the School Lunch Integrity Act of 2024, which is aimed at prohibiting the use of cell-cultivated meat under the School Breakfast Program and the National School Lunch Program.

    Raising safety concerns, the senators noted that the USDA hasn’t issued any guidance on the use of cell-cultivated proteins in either program.

    “Our students should not be test subjects for cell-cultivated ‘meat’ experiments,” Mr. Rounds said. “South Dakota farmers and ranchers work hard to produce high-quality beef products. These products are often sold to South Dakota schools, where they provide necessary nutrition to our students.

    “With high quality, local beef readily available for our students, there’s no reason to be serving fake, lab-grown meat products in the cafeteria.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. texan59 says:

    I’ve got a post in moderation. Haven’t had that since we all lived next door. It’s kind of long and most of a full article, so there might be an issue. Sorry about that.


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