The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart

It is hard to believe that Andrew Breitbart has been dead for twelve years. He died suddenly on March 1, 2012.

In 2016, I wrote:

Today is the 4th anniversary of the death of Andrew Breitbart. Andrew has been quoted as saying that Trump is no conservative, but I wonder what he would say today? If Ben Stein changed his mind about Trump, I wonder if Andrew would do the same? I can’t imagine that he would support the GOPe, so perhaps he would be a Cruz supporter. I just don’t know, but I believe that Andrew could be a pragmatist if that is what was needed.

Here is a speech that Andrew, the pragmatist, gave at CPAC in 2012, not long before he died:

What else did Andrew tell us?

In 2013, I wrote about Andrew’s book, Righteous Indignation. In my post, I recounted a long passage in the book about the fears he once had about speaking out for what he believed in, and how he finally DID IT on the Bill Maher show. He mentions how he had prepared for his appearance, anticipating the questions and attacks, gathering the facts necessary to counter them. At the very end of the story, he wrote:

I had passed what I call the Ann Coulter Threshold:  the point where you understand that Ann Coulter and those like her are standing up for what they believe in, feeling the righteousness of living without fear of missing a dinner invite from Tina Brown or fundraisers with Steve Capus or Ben Sherwood or Steven Spielberg or Jeffrey Katzenberg–or worse, the agony of being excoriated by those conservatives who fret that their liberal overlords will start admonishing them for keeping company with you.  Feeling the thrill of sending a message to these people that we reject their worldview the way they reject ours.

I want to bottle that and get it out to every American.  I want to teach everyone I know that there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, and that there’s strength in numbers.  I’ve been looking directly forward instead of into the rear view mirror, not worrying about what people think of me, and it has empowered me.  And it can empower you.

Finally, here is a movie tribute made in 2022 by the Breitbart News organization.

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2 Responses to The Legacy of Andrew Breitbart

  1. texan59 says:

    We could use a few more just like him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. resolute says:

    Andrew has been quoted as saying that Trump is no conservative, but I wonder what he would say today?

    Go back to the time frame when he said that, and consider that Trump has switched party affiliations numerous times. He was a member of the democrat party during the W. Bush administration, and was briefly with the reform party prior to that. Not easy to be considered a conservative and accepted into the democrat party at the same time. Trump can easily be viewed as conservative. It just depends on where one places the Overton Window. Yes, it would be fascinating to hear Andrew’s opinions of today’s political and cultural climate. I’m thinking he wouldn’t be a cheerleader with blinders on, but would be one of Trump’s most vocal supporters.


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