Matt Taibbi: This is a massively underreported story

Looks like the left and Lawfare are planning to steal the 2024 Presidential election.

And this is what they did in 2016. The Obama administration and the CIA were complicit:


This entry was posted in 2020 Presidential Race, 2024 Presidential Race, Democrat corruption, Election Interference, Lawfare. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Matt Taibbi: This is a massively underreported story

  1. texan59 says:

    Good piece with Kudlow, and I saw the segment on Jesse last night. I just find it amazing that there appear to be 3-4 people in the entire Country who find any of this activity to be newsworthy. The rot must be so deep that they are scared to death if the curtain gets pulled back on this “project”.

    Liked by 3 people

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