General Discussion, Friday, December 8, 2023

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49 Responses to General Discussion, Friday, December 8, 2023

  1. Lucille says:

    Have a fun and fabulous late autumn Friday, Stellars….

    Lower Waterton Lake and the mountains of Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada…

    Routt National Forest, Steamboat Springs, Colorado…

    Martha Stewart’s Estate, Seal Harbor, Maine…

    Appalachian Trail, Max Patch Mountain, Madison County, North Carolina-Cocke County, Tennessee Border…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Lucille says:

    Santa gives $1,000 surprise then THIS happened 🥺❤️

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Lucille says:

    Just in time for Christmas! A bit of good news….

    Let’s hope and pray this indictment isn’t being handed down right now in order to prevent him from having to testify in front of the House committee….

    Hunter Biden Indicted on 9 Tax Evasion Charges in Special Counsel Probe
    By Caden Pearson – 12/7/2023

    Prosecutors say he spent millions on a lavish lifestyle while evading paying his taxes

    Liked by 3 people

  4. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ y’all!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. texan59 says:

    Good mornin’, kids! Friday is upon us. Let us gird our loins and fill our cups with steaming hot coffee to prepare for the onslaught of stupidity that awaits us out there.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. texan59 says:

    That sound you hear are the drums beating around the stoopid President of Penn. They are on the ground and the buzzards are overhead waiting for this sack of skin to watch her own demise in real time. The Board of Trustees of their famed business school, which has a bunch of heavy hitters has asked (nicely, I’m sure) her to step down.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. czarina33 says:

    National Bodhi Day- the day when Siddhartha achieved enlightenment through meditation

    Pretend to be a time traveler

    National Crossword Solvers’ Day

    National Brownie Day

    National Salesperson Day

    Liked by 3 people

  8. texan59 says:

    I remember this as if it were yesterday. John Lennon murdered 43 years ago today. While we didn’t see eye-to-eye politically, he was a master at his craft. His last wife was a little sketchy, but you gotta take the good with the bad. RIP.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. WeeWeed says:


    Liked by 3 people

  10. WeeWeed says:


    Liked by 4 people

  11. texan59 says:

    Give them credit. Biden and his thugs do their best to leave no stone unturned. We now have “Ocean Just-us”. Whatever the h*ll that means. I saw something about DIE in the article so I gues you can’t just catch whitefish……or something. Whatever it is, it will likely include less access to the ocean for food and fun, and when we can, it will cost us more. Have i told you that I despise these people.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. Stella says:

    Remember that house that blew up the other day? Here’s some commentary about it.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. texan59 says:

    Oh, the humanity! Conservative company comes out with a calendar. Not as risque as the old Snap-On calendar, but celebrating conservative women respectfully.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Sharon says:

    A contrast in Christmas greetings – the first is yukky. The second is a reminder that everything is not awful.

    (the headline at Citizen Free Press invites us to “check out this hot mess” – indeed.

    …but then this–in Times Square, of all places. Somebody spent a lot to make this happen and I’m glad they did!

    Liked by 4 people

  15. Lucille says:

    And looking for the chance to do the same to the whole country like a good little BarryBrandon acolyte is wont to do….

    State of California Now Facing Record Deficit of $68 Billion, According to Non-Partisan Analyst
    By Mike LaChance Dec. 7, 2023 10:40 pm

    Liked by 4 people

    • texan59 says:

      FTA – “Head-spinning to see California go from a nearly $100 billion surplus to a $68 billion deficit in just two years”

      That’s hard to do! I guess they finally ran out of OPM. I’m all tore up about it. 😉

      Liked by 4 people

  16. Lucille says:

    More on one of yesterday’s topics: Lloyd Austin, a classic case of the Peter Principle….

    This is Why America Forgot How to Win
    December 7, 2023 By DANIEL GREENFIELD

    The Pentagon’s lectures to Israel ignore the real lessons of the fight against ISIS.

    Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin stopped by the Reagan National Defense Forum to deliver an address titled, ‘A Time for American Leadership’. What leadership lessons did he have to offer?

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Sharon says:

    Ok. The first sentence in the LAPD’s press release is just funny…but first, the link and the headline:

    ….should have grabbed it somewhere–can’t access it now without being able to click into this link I’m trying to post. Oh, well….the first sentence of that press release is along the lines “….it is understood that there are first amendment activities planned………………..”

    Oh, noes! Not first amendment activiti

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sharon says:

      …and now it says MSN “refuses to connect”…..maybe they regretted their article?

      Liked by 2 people

      • texan59 says:

        This is from the article –

        “The LAPD is aware of possible first amendment activity in the Los Angeles area over the next few days. In coordination with the US Secret Service, additional uniformed personnel and other resources will be deployed to ensure the highest level of public safety.”

        “The Department will continue to work with any protest organizers to facilitate lawful demonstrations while protecting the safety of all involved including surrounding communities,” the department added.
        The statement concluded, “The Los Angeles Police Department is asking that all individuals and groups involved in protest or counter-protest activities not allow individuals who express the intent to commit violence or property to compromise the otherwise lawful demonstration.” hahahahaha!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Sharon says:

          Like with the 2020 riots where they protested during the pandemic…and they weren’t allowed to compromise the otherwise lawful demonstration….like that?….oh, wait…………………………………………….

          So infuriating.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Sharon says:

          Thanks for finding and pulling the quotes….that pesky “possible first amendment activity…………”

          Do they EVEN HEAR THEMSELVES????

          Liked by 2 people

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