Tucker Carlson on X | Ep. #34 Ukrainian Government Bans Entire Christian Denomination

Tucker Carlson interviews Bob Amsterdam about Christianity being attacked throughout the world. Ukraine has now banned an entire Ancient Orthodox Christian Denomination. Throwing 75 year old clerics in jail for 5 years.

A lot of what’s happening in the world seems like an attack on Christianity. Christianity in Iraq has been eliminated. The US government has directly funded the killing of Christians in Syria. Now the Biden Administration is sending billions of American tax dollars to Ukraine, whom banned one of the most ancient religions in the World.

Is this a planned war of extinction for Christianity? Has our Federal Government been involved in this for many decades? The facts speak for themselves. America is in shambles. Inflation is at an all time high. American politicians are pushing for War with Iran. Russia already in War with Ukraine. Russia joins China in attempt to get away from the American Dollar.

Christianity seemingly being erased throughout the world. Is this the beginning of our known world being restructured? A New World Order? When you look at the whole picture of what’s going on, we have a lot to worry about. Let’s listen in to get a better idea.

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2 Responses to Tucker Carlson on X | Ep. #34 Ukrainian Government Bans Entire Christian Denomination

  1. tblakney says:

    I can’t think of a single person (based on the comments that I have read on here) that would be shocked at the actions of the American government under the current regime. Unfortunately We have to see the judgement that is being passed on to a seemingly unsuspecting group of people who, also seemingly , have no respect for a God who have blessed this country immensely in every aspect. This, to me, is the saddest commentary of all commentaries!! 😢

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucille says:

    Zelenskyy is nothing short of a disgusting dictator who deserves to be put on the Ukrainian front lines. The fact that he banned the Orthodox Church from holding services some time ago is utterly reprehensible. He couldn’t care less about banning this ancient Christian denomination and imprisoning the clergy.

    That Biden has sent him a dime is sickening…but, then, such money laundering is something they both are familiar with.


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