General Discussion, Saturday, October 28, 2023

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46 Responses to General Discussion, Saturday, October 28, 2023

  1. Lucille says:

    Happy Autumn Saturday, Stellars….

    Willamette Valley, Oregon…

    Diago Ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan…

    Jiuzhaigou National Park, Sichuan Province, China…

    St. Martin’s, Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick…

    Liked by 6 people

    • Sharon says:

      I’m in the Willamette Valley, Lucille. Our colors are not as magnificent as other places I’ve lived, but they are plenty to enjoy and know that I am living in seasonal change. That’s one of the things I never stopped missing during the 28 years in SoCal. I got SO SICK of same-same weather.

      My last roses are just doing their thing. So beautiful. I see lots of color out my office window here- lots of the local/neighborhood trees have deep reds. I have one of those in my front yard. A couple of years ago, a neighbor a block over was disposing of a volunteer “fire bush” and set it out in her driveway in a bucket…so I chatted with her, then brought it home and planted it. They are tough little things! It’s doing great, with displays of seeds/red “blossoms” in spring/and deeply dramatic red leaves in fall.

      It’s in the 50s here today, which suits me just fine. Just put two potato and ham casseroles in the oven. That suits me fine, too! Using my fireplace today for the first time this fall, and that’s frosting on top of this cake!

      My faithful firewood man over the years has run into health problems and can’t do that anymore–out of his wonderful forest property where he also raises Christmas trees and has cattle. What a wonderful rural Oregon couple he and his wife are….anyway, he can’t do it any more. So my son has been finding new sources with some changes in logistics. New benefits and options, similar costs, and it’s all good!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Lucille says:

    NYC developers rip judge in Trump case — and some predict ex-prez will win on appeal
    By Jennifer Gould – Published Oct. 27, 2023, 3:19 p.m. ET

    “Canceling business certificates is carte blanche to go after anyone for anything,” one concerned developer said. “I’m not defending Trump. But now they have another tool in their toolbox. Where does it end? It’s a little scary.”

    Liked by 5 people

  3. WeeWeed says:

    Mornin’ kids! Something to ponder…

    Liked by 4 people

  4. czarina33 says:

    National First Responders Day

    National Trick or Treat Day

    National Internal Medicine Day

    National Make a Difference Day

    And the one we don’t need to wait for:
    National Chocolate Day

    Liked by 4 people

  5. texan59 says:

    Mornin’ kids! Coffee’s up! Come git some and start your Saturday morning with big cup of sittin’ on yer duff! For a minute or two.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. texan59 says:

    This is almost beyond comprehension. 13-year-old kills mom and send pictures of her to his friends. Calls 911 and asks dispatcher if that’s bad. Pictures of the kid in the article don’t look like he’s “slow”. But I’ll bet we find out he’s medicated.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. auscitizenmom says:

    Afternoon All. It was 10* when we got up this morning. And, we have a clear blue sky with no wind right now. But, I think it is supposed to start snowing again later on today. But, that’s okay. I don’t have to leave my apartment to do laundry, so everything is just fine. Loki is a little miffed that her walk was cut short. I got cold. But, I explained to her that it is now winter and it will be like this for a long time and she just has to live with it.

    Hopefully I will get my snow tires put on next weekend. Then I will feel a little safer being out on these roads. They are pretty clear, but you never know when you are going to turn onto one that may not be cleared as well as it should,

    Hope you all are not buried in snow. LOL

    Liked by 3 people

  8. texan59 says:

    I love politics. That place where petty grievances are in payback mode forever. Fat*ss Bill Barr dumping on DJT and his “limited vocabulary” at some DC confab. These very wealthy, very powerful people do not let any slight (perceived of otherwise) go unanswered. I don’t think please and thank you are in their vocabulary.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. texan59 says:

    If………….this is true, I’m all broke up! Pence to drop out of the race for POTUS. Apparently, the meds are kicking in finally. 😀 😀 😀

    Liked by 4 people

  10. weather257 says:

    Our moonset this moning looked just like that through the binoculars. Breathtaking!!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sharon says:

      Last night I was sitting at the computer and glanced out the window–something seemed distracting—and WOW—there was that beautiful old moon, sitting high in the sky, clear view for me without moving. Very, very nice. I’m very happy with the position of my little house on the large lot…lots of benefits to just the way it sits.

      Liked by 2 people

  11. Lucille says:

    Florida Republican Assembly Issues Declaration Urging DeSantis to End Presidential Campaign and Return to Florida to Govern the State Again
    By Guest Contributor Oct. 28, 2023 3:20 pm

    Liked by 1 person

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