Tucker on Twitter – Ep. 13 Part 2. Devon Archer


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5 Responses to Tucker on Twitter – Ep. 13 Part 2. Devon Archer

  1. Stella says:

    YouTube version:


    • Pa Hermit says:

      Ho Chi Minh City was called Saigon when I was over there. The Ho Chi Minh Trail was our specialty (ASA) when I was over there. That was how the commies got supplies to N. Vietnam from China! The critical part of that Trail was called the PDJ (Plain de Jars) [that’s in Laos] where it was intersected by 5 important supply lines! A very strategic area for fighting that conflict! (it wasn’t a war) And until towards the end, it was decided actions taken, coming from within our Congress! Connect the dots to guess the rest, LOL!


  2. auscitizenmom says:

    Goodness, that was not what I was expecting and he sure seemed to get along with Tucker.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. weather257 says:

    That was very educational (and really showcased Tucker’s brilliance, by the way). Thanks for posting, Stella.

    Liked by 1 person

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