LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Speech on Hillary Clinton in NYC (6-22-16)

Donald Trump’s speech at Trump SoHo in New York City. Coverage begins at 10:30 AM EDT.

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7 Responses to LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Speech on Hillary Clinton in NYC (6-22-16)

  1. hocuspocus13 says:

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  2. lovely says:

    This should be enlightening as to how Trump is going to run the general election. Lewandowski is out and Paul Manafort is in. Will Manafort have a discernible influence on Trump’s campaign style?

    I hope Lewandowski got a million dollar parting ways package.

    I’m still not convinced that Lewandowski was fired, I think it was more likely a parting of ways as he doesn’t have the skills or the knowledge for the next phase of the campaign which is necessarily going to have to have a knowledgable, well armed ground game well versed in Washington mechanics, dotting i’s and crossing t’s to combat the Clinton War Chest.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lovely says:


    Thank you Paul Manafort.

    This was Trump’s most well balanced speech.

    Trump managed to tie Hillary Clinton to ISIS and all the horrors of Islam, the polices of personal profit, the decimation of the US economy at the benefit of the Clinton’s pocketbook and he called her likely “the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency of the United States”.

    Trump hammered away at Clinton’s ties to the Sons of Islam and their culture of death and their violent hatred of gays (death and stoning if you happen to be gay) and women (slaves), and all infidels.

    Trumped slammed Hillary for taking 25 million dollars from Saudi Arabia and 1000’s of donations from foreign interests which directly spawned her Muslim friendly foreign policy and its deadly legacy with our Ambassador Stevens blood being directly tied to Hillary.

    Trump masterfully tied Hillary Clinton to Omar Manteen’s father and the death of Mrs. Mandoza’s son Police Sergeant Brandon Mendoza. From Mrs. Mandoza’s letter ;

    “Hillary Clinton, who already has the blood of so many on her hands, is now announcing that she is willing to put each and every one of our lives in harms’ way – an open door policy to criminals and terrorists to enter our country.”

    Reading the excerpt from Mrs. Mendoza’s letter was sobering and brilliant. Tying that into Hillary’s undaunted cheerleading for illegal immigrants, both Mexican and Middle Eastern, and her desire to increase immigration from the Middle East by 550%, again genius. “Hillary Clintons immigration policy will end all immigration limits and leave us with open borders.”

    Trump stated that Hillary is an impulsive person with a volcanic temper who is disdainful of the rules of law which means she lacks the temperament, judgment and competence to be POTUS. Not to mention that her deepest darkest secrets are in the hands of our enemies.

    Trump did it all while sounding presidential.

    I hope Hillary gets drunk off her ass and gives a screed full tirade as a rebuttal.

    Full Transcript.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Col.(R) Ken says:

    “Come November, the American people will have a chance to issue a verdict on the politicians that have sacrificed their security, betrayed their prosperity, and sold out
    their country”.
    “Saddle UP”!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. michellc says:

    It’s nice to have a candidate who is not afraid to throw punches.

    Liked by 2 people

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