General Discussion, Wednesday, August 12, 2020

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36 Responses to General Discussion, Wednesday, August 12, 2020

  1. Lucille says:



    Liked by 5 people

    • Lucille says:

      OK, so I was thinking it was Friday maybe…or it could be that I liked the photo so much I didn’t check the words…or I’m batty…take your pick! Hahahahahahaha!

      Or 4th option…it could be I was listening so intently to this guy being interviewed on Croatian TV and then watched the vid of his beautiful rendition of “Creep” by Radiohead that I got all aflutter…oh, my heart!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Sharon says:

        Well, you had me going there for a minute – my brain (at 2:20 in the am here) is saying, “It’s Friday already????”

        Liked by 4 people

        • Lucille says:

          LOL! I was mainly concerned with posting an unusual red flower along with the daily greeting. It was in with all the other greeting selections for Wednesday…that’s my excuse anyway. Couldn’t possibly be the old frazzled brain!

          Liked by 2 people

    • auscitizenmom says:

      I am looking forward to the news on Friday, so this was a tease. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Lucille says:

        Good morning, aus! I wonder if I’m prescient…Friday is going to be a big day, maybe, and I’m just trying to give a forewarning? Since my philosophy is “you might as well laugh”, I chuckled numerous times after posting and realizing the mistake…it takes little to amuse me these days.

        Liked by 2 people

  2. czarowniczy says:

    Researchers have just discovered the nested DNA of an unknown human ancestor along with the Neanderthal DNA in a number of modern humans. These ancient humans mated with Neanderthals an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 years ago, well before the 50,000 year guesstimate of Homo Sapiens moving to the suburbs from Africa.

    I see two results from these findings. First, the oddly named ‘History Channel’ now has fodder for yet another season of Ancient Aliens and second, this may well push the estimated point for the genesis of beer way father back then previously thought.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. czarowniczy says:

    We had a ’64 Mustang back in the 80s – upkeep on it was a killer. It has the original 6-cylinder and fo’ on da flo’ and with just that it would blow many 80s cars off the road from the line. All of the power went straight to the wheels, no power steering or brakes and no A/C, just all those horses going right to the ground.

    Main problem was Ford made them cheaply. The sheet metal on ours was cheap, there were impurities in it and rust bubbled up all of the time. The drains in the air intake vents under the windshield were badly designed and the box rusted out easily. We bought the ‘top hats’ to fix it, Ford could have done it for pennies back then, but they didn’t expect or plan for the Mustang to live on the street that long.

    Didn’t win that lottery tonite, the Thunderbird’s gonna have to wait until tomorrow…

    Liked by 4 people

    • czarina33 says:

      Mornin’ all ya’all! Another hot and humid one. Might rain today. Hasn’t for over a week.

      Liked by 1 person

      • WeeWeed says:

        Mornin’ Z’s! Looks and feels like we’ll get it, too.

        Liked by 1 person

        • czarina33 says:

          Saw on the news S’port has a hostage/active shooter at the Ochsner Hospital. Can’t wait to hear his grievance which cannot be solved without shooting someone.

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          • auscitizenmom says:

            Oh, at the risk of sounding snarky, I am sure they will say this is a new symptom of COVID 19,

            Liked by 3 people

          • WeeWeed says:

            Yeah, it’s at the St. Mary’s Medical Center about 2 – 3 blocks from the child’s house. He’s already shot 1 guy that I know of (in the leg) and it’s ongoing. As Z says, one of the usual subjects.

            Liked by 2 people

            • czarowniczy says:

              Uzhul sus-pex were active in NOLA last nite too, first five stories on the news were all black lives mattering. Bizzy nite in da hood yesserday.

              I cringe as Ochsner is my primary hospital group – though I use doctors outside of their system just to keep the process honest. They have ‘no weapons!’ signs on all of the buildings’ doors and I so rarely see anything that looks like security that all those signs do is tell bad guys that it’s ‘easy pickins’ in this building. In my docs two-story buildings I traverse both floors and I have never seen a security person in it…ditto the other two I use.I leave my gun in the car as if they were to ever discover my carrying despite my status they’d take the opportunity to nail me to the wall as an example. I’m not completely defenseless though and this incident just reinforces my beliefs.

              Let’s see if the vics here sue Ochsner and how quiet, if they do, Ochsner keeps it.

              Liked by 3 people

    • Lucille says:

      Good day to you, WeeWeed! As my boss used to say, “Any day you’re above ground is a good day.”

      Poor Trini died of “complications” from the Wuhan. Palm Springs has had several hundred folks die from the virus. Lots of retirees live there. A few of my friends have winter condos in P.S….summer being way too hot, though some like it and live there year ’round. Anyone who doesn’t have a tan is likely an out-of-towner.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Sharon says:

    This falls under the category “They Just Can’t Help Themselves”.

    A goofball professor from Portland State University had his 10 seconds of fame on the evening news, last night. He was intro’d as “the virus hunter”. He looked like a virus.

    He begins his blather by talking importantly about statistics, stating that Oregon is still hovering between 5-6% on positivity results in testing and, therefore, the opening of schools, etc. is threatened.

    He follows that with an argument for much more testing, including a goal to test people who are not thought to be ill because, in his reasoning, “…..getting more people tested who are not sick will bring the positivity rate down, possibly even below 5%”…..and then everything can open up and it be all better. Or something.

    I made a point of watching this twit two times to be sure I wasn’t distorting his distortion. I wasn’t.

    “If we can just get the numbers to say what we want, then we can do what we want” – reality be damned. It’s what they’ve always done but now they are saying that’s what they’re doing, and passing their pronouncement off as profound.

    Even when I consciously try to understand what they are doing as they are doing it, it’s hard to follow. Just taking them at face value is enough to make a person dizzy. Crazy-making.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Menagerie says:

      I’m going off on a little sideline, but it makes my point, I think. I was talking with my youngest son last week about algebra. He laughed at me because he sent me one of those dopey trick math word problems going around on social media. I was high as a kite on drugs, but as is my habit since I learned this world changing method in elementary school, I assigned the facts I have the values of X, Y, and X-1 and sent him the worked out equation.

      He reminded me how outraged I used to get when helping him with his math homework in high school. We sent him to the Catholic high school here in town, one of the top schools in the area. I tried to make him state the problem, do the work step by step, and get the answer, which much also contain units of measure, or it was wrong.

      The school was teaching him cute little memory tricks to solve for an answer that they didn’t understand, but knew the trick would produce the sought after number. In other words, I learned to set up my own equations and use the knowledge I had, of the ability to use or derive a formula – in my head, not the programmable calculator – and solve for an answer, and he learned games.

      Guess who failed his first semester of math in college, even though he had the answers? And he was outraged about that while I was pretty damned happy they failed him, as he had no knowledge of the subject matter.

      So, that’s what I see them doing. Even their “statisticians only know a rigged game, not true methods. Apparently somewhere along the line colleges began accepting that claptrap as work instead of flunking the poor kids who were taught NOT to think while for me and the other millions of older learners, math, especially algebra, taught us HOW to think with logic, a skill that works well outside the classroom.

      Liked by 5 people

      • Sharon says:

        Exactly, Menagerie, and not off point at all.

        Reality is not what they are concerned with.

        Consider yourself hugged! (Menagerie)

        Liked by 5 people

      • Menagerie says:

        Sorry for the grammar. I remain on the drugs. Apparently I can do math while under the influence, but I cannot write coherently.

        Liked by 6 people

      • auscitizenmom says:

        I hope those good drugs, as my friend calls them, are keeping you comfortable and you are healing nicely.

        Liked by 4 people

      • jeans2nd says:

        Afternoon Menagerie, Stella, and Stellars.
        Our schools began the “new math” method halfway through grade school. Neither our parents nor we kids understood it.

        Many kids were just left behind in math. No one cared (though not in my school).
        My worst math moment was when Insalubrious GSon’s other GPa gave IG the incorrect answer to an algebra math problem, and i had to correct them both.
        Seems the more things change…
        (IG is a math wiz now, btw. For unknown reasons, IG trusts me smh)

        Enjoy those pills while they last. They actually keep you down long enough to speed the initial healing process. Hopefully the swelling has gone down some.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. stella says:

    Do it. Type in your browser window.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. Lucille says:

    YouTube is being inundated with the Biden/Harris ticket ads. Suppose they’ll tout this…

    Kamala Harris Raided David Daleiden’s Home for Exposing Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Baby Parts
    By Leah Barkoukis – August 12, 2020 | 9:16AM WASHINGTON, DC

    Liked by 1 person

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