How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West

This was my dinnertime “entertainment” this evening. I think you will find it interesting, learn more about the history of communist infiltration in our government, the villains in the anti-Trump conspiracy and about Trump himself.

Diana West is the author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Character (2014) and her newest book is the subject of this interview, The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy.


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4 Responses to How Communist Ideology Infiltrated America’s Security Agencies & Fueled Spygate—Diana West

  1. glendl says:

    They did not Infiltrate.
    They were hired and appointed by the highest officials in the land.


  2. glendl says:

    I consider Diana West to be the finest columnist in America. She does not speak for the Right or the Left, she calls it as she sees it and takes no prisoners. Diana West writes as an American Patriot.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. glendl says:

    In a November 2008 column, West wrote about a run on US currency on the open market. Someone was buying up the American dollar. The Treasury caught on to that and kept dumping dollars on the open market and the buying stopped and the selling began.
    If you bought early and sold early, you made a fortune, If you bought late and sold later, you lost it all.
    West’s column was the only time I saw a reference to this attack on America.

    This precipitated the 2008 financial crash which put 0bama in the 0val 0ffice. I believe McCain would have beaten him otherwise.
    Only one person does that successfully.


    • glendl says:

      Three years the Defense Intelligence Agency released their report, it named George Soros and he made about $4 billion dollars off that caper.


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