Impromptu Trump presser on leaving the White House for Camp David

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4 Responses to Impromptu Trump presser on leaving the White House for Camp David

  1. auscitizenmom says:

    I like when he does this because I think he may get more visibility from the MSM.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. lovely says:

    “I put out a quote of Obama agreeing with me about immigration this morning. I put out a quote of Hillary agreeing about immigration with me this morning.”

    “We have to do it for the children and the women.” __President Trump

    “Our country is doing better than any country in the world.”__President Trump

    Presidents before me have all voted for this, or many of them, and many of the senators that I am negotiating with right now have voted for this. But let me tell you something they didn’t have the guts to do it. Just like they didn’t have the guts to move the embassy to Jerusalem in Israel. they didn’t have the guts to do things that they should have done. Just like they didn’t take out ISIS, just like so many other things. I was voted 306 to 223 or something like that, by a lot, I was voted to be president partially because of security. Not only the wall but the military and lots of other things. I think I’ve done a great job. I think I’ve done a great job. I’m getting credit from the real news for doing a great job.

    President Trump reminds the MSM and America that the SCOTUS may just give him the powers of a king. Talk about putting pressure on SCOTUS to knock down DACA.

    Also President Trump started out the presser introducing a nebulous but brief timeline for declaring a national emergency over border security.

    Liked by 1 person

    • stella says:

      Tweet (reply) of mine this morning:

      Wanting border security isn’t ‘xenophobia’. How do you explain that only a short while ago, Dem leaders were speaking out for exactly what Pres Trump is now. Schumer, Obama, Clinton – all of them are on the record as being pro border wall.

      Liked by 1 person

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