President G.W. Bush Speaks To The Nation, September 2001

The following video incorporates an audio recording that was made by a Detroit radio station, WOMC FM,  in October 2001.  It contains excerpts from two speeches – President Bush’s oval office speech the evening of September 11, 2001, and the one he gave before the joint session of Congress on September 20.  The music is taken from a composition by James Horner for the 1989 movie, Glory.  I believe the selections used are A Call To Arms, and An Epitaph To War.

I have always loved the audio, as it touched my heart and uplifted at a time when we all needed it very much.  The photos are ones that I collected after Sept 11, 2001.

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3 Responses to President G.W. Bush Speaks To The Nation, September 2001

  1. czarowniczy says:

    Was watching the ceremony of the reading of the 911 victims’ names. Was trying to see if, in the name of diversity, inclusiveness and trying to prevent anti-Moslem sentiment de Blasio had ordered the hijackers’ names to be read also.


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