The plight of whites in racist South Africa

You will probably have noticed that photos posted this week are of sights in South Africa. It is a beautiful country with seacoast, mountain, desert, plains, and sub-tropical regions, and many exotic – to our eyes – animals and plants.

The reality of politics in South Africa is not beautiful. It is ugly and racist. The population of South Africa is multi-ethnic, with whites and Asians in the minority. Wikipedia’s breakdown of the SA population of 55,000,000 is as follows:

(from Wikipedia) Apartheid, literally “separateness”) was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination that existed in South Africa between 1948 and 1994. The system was based on white supremacy and the repression of the black (African, Coloured and Indian) majority of the population for the benefit of the politically and economically dominant group, Afrikaners, and other Whites.

The history of South Africa is fraught with terrible racist policies against blacks and coloureds, including removals – forced resettlement – denial of a right to own property, and denial of voting rights. Blacks could not buy liquor, and segregation of public spaces was enforced.

South African police beat African women with clubs in Durban in 1959, when the women raided and set fire to a beer hall in protest against police action against their home brewing activities. South Africa’s racial segregation policies still trouble the nation. | AP Photo

In 1994, things began to change. In the 1994 election, the African National Conference (ANC) garnered a majority of the vote (62.6%), but not enough required to rewrite the Constitution (66.7%). Nelson Mandela was sworn in as South Africa’s President on May 10, 1994. Whatever one thinks about Mandela (he is equally disliked by the far right and the far left) he led the ANC and is revered by many in South Africa.

The tendency is, in politics as in physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. As described in Frontpage Mag in 2013:

South Africa has degenerated into another racist pit, best described by an Afrikaner farm owner: “It’s politically correct to kill whites these days.”

In July of 2012, Dr. Gregory Stanton, head of the nonprofit group Genocide Watch, conducted a fact-finding mission in South Africa. He concluded that there is a coordinated campaign of genocide being conducted against white farmers, known as Boers. “The farm murders, we have become convinced, are not accidental,” Stanton contended. “It was very clear that the massacres were not common crimes,” he added — especially because of the absolute barbarity used against the victims. “We don’t know exactly who is planning them yet, but what we are calling for is an international investigation,” he added.

The number of farm murders, or “plaasmoorde” as it is called in Afrikaans, is staggering. Over the last decade, it is estimated that at least 3000 Boers have been killed. Estimating the number of murders is necessary because the ANC has banned crime statistics from being compiled, claiming they scare off foreign investment. Moreover, the world knows little about the savagery that accompanies those killings. Many victims, including women and infant children, are raped or tortured before they are killed. Some have boiling water poured down their throats, some are burned with hot pokers, and some are hacked to death with machetes, or disemboweled. Several others have been tied to their own cars and dragged for miles.

Moving forward to 2018, as reported by PJ Media, there is full-out legalization of reparations:

The South African Parliament passed a measure in a landslide vote to confiscate farmland owned by whites without compensation.

A similar program instituted in neighboring Zimbabwe—once known as Rhodesia—resulted in hundreds of white farmers being slaughtered and the agricultural sector of the economy collapsing.

The fate of white farmers will be dependent on the actions of South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, a big supporter of expropriation without compensation, who said in 2016 that he was “not calling for the slaughter of white people—at least for now.”

How comforting.

And as reported in the Daily Mail:

The country’s constitution is now likely to be amended to allow for the confiscation of white-owned land without compensation, following a motion brought by radical Marxist opposition leader Julius Malema. 

It passed by 241 votes for to 83 against after a vote on Tuesday, and the policy was a key factor in new president Cyril Ramaphosa’s platform after he took over from Jacob Zuma in February.

Mr Malema said the time for ‘reconciliation is over’. ‘Now is the time for justice,’ News24 reported.

‘We must ensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land.’

A 2017 South African government audit found white people owned 72 per cent of farmland.

Rural affairs minister for the ruling African National Congress party said ‘The ANC unequivocally supports the principle of land expropriation without compensation’.

I have only one thing to say: There will be (even more) bloodshed in South Africa.

Today The Washington Post reports that Australia is looking at resettling white South African farmers who say they are persecuted:

[Peter] Dutton’s comments have been unusually controversial because of a key detail — he appeared to be talking specifically about white people.

In an article published by Australia’s Daily Telegraph on Wednesday, Dutton was quoted as saying that white South African farmers may “deserve special attention” from Australia due to land seizures and violence. “If you look at the footage and read the stories, you hear the accounts, it’s a horrific circumstance they face,” Dutton told the newspaper.

“I do think on the information that I’ve seen, people do need help, and they need help from a civilized country like ours,” Dutton said…

The plight of South African farmers has become a big issue in Australia, already home to a sizable immigrant community from South Africa. Australian media, in particular politically right-leaning publications such as the Daily Telegraph, have reported extensively on reports of rape, torture and murder of white South African farmers.

Groups such as Africa Check have criticized the data behind some of these concerns, and analysts say that South Africa’s push for land law reform is so far proceeding cautiously, without the chaos that accompanied a similar movement in Zimbabwe. Even so, a number of Australian politicians support Dutton’s proposal to consider taking in South African farmers…

There have been similar pushes for the United States to take in South African farmers, though they have failed to gain widespread attraction or political momentum. Critics say that the movement to take in white farmers has links to the far right, which have long spread the idea of a “white genocide” taking place in South Africa. [There is more than the “idea of a white genocide”, but hey, this is The Washington Post]


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7 Responses to The plight of whites in racist South Africa

  1. Reblogged this on Special Connections and commented:
    Race-based assaults equal racism. Punishing people for the (alleged) sins of their fathers doesn’t “undo” injustices of the past. Perpetuating “injustice” in the present will just breed more injustice.

    Based on evidence from Zimbabwe it is likely that these activities will lead to food shortages & other issues for the people that remain in South Africa.

    It is unlikely that sinful man is capable of devising a process of “righting the wrongs of the past” in a way that doesn’t perpetuate evil against others. There is a need for reconciliation, forgiveness, healing, & perhaps restoration but genocide will produce none of that…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks for sharing this, Stella.

    I was in West Africa in the late ’80s & in that country, Liberia, it was “illegal” for whites to own property (so we were told). I assumed this was some type of “compensation” to the freed American slaves to protect them. However, in our black market dealings with currency exchange (official exchange rate was 1:1 Liberian$:US$ but was 2:1 L$:US$ on the black market) we were taken by the black African pastors we worked with to white “owners” (in all but name) of local businesses to exchange our money. Interestingly my traveler’s checques were exchanged at the full 2:1 rate while my colleagues cash was changed at 1.9:1…hmm…

    One pastor’s house we had a meal in was well staffed by servants. Everyone was black. My classmates & I were amazed how the pastor & his wife seemed to treat their servants as if they weren’t even there (my colleagues & I made a point of thanking them & looking in their faces as they cared for everyone’s needs during the meal–they seemed shocked that we would acknowledge them & treat them as equals). My good friend, who was black, (I was the only white person in our group during that part of the trip) & I discussed the servant situation & were both surprised that the servants were the same race as the pastor. We’d both thought that they would be having servants of another race & that would have partially explained their seeming indifference & seeming aura of superiority toward them.

    Ironically, this was in the era of Jesse Jackson running for U. S. President, there was a lively discussion of the hopes around the table that Jackson might win. I refrained from speaking my mind on that topic for I thought Jackson a buffoon & joke (irrespective of skin color) but didn’t want to get into what would likely become a fairly heated discussion. Given all the skin color passes given to Obama during his “presidential” aspirations/usurpation all those years later that dinner time conversation among blacks half-way around the world was something to reflect upon. I didn’t then, nor do I now, really understand how people gave someone on the national stage such a pass purely because they bore the color/ethnicity (allegedly) that certain people desired to see in power…

    There was also some sort of weird racism on the streets of Monrovia in general where I (being white) was attempted to be treated better than my black colleagues. They tried to take color photos of me & b&w only of my colleagues, etc. They also called me “missy” & my colleagues “sistah”…etc. There were physically deformed beggars everywhere you went & if you ever pulled out a coin you would get mobbed. The pastor said some parents would cause their child to get a physical deformity (injure them in childhood, etc) so they could have a “career” as a professional beggar! It was all very strange & surreal to our American grad student group…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. auscitizenmom says:

    Well, I have heard of this for a long time. I thought it was over. My attitude is, get the white farmers out of there. Of course, at that point most of the people would probably starve. And, the libs here would be wanting us to send money which I am adamantly opposed to. It seems to me that most of these people are uncivilized.

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  4. Pingback: The plight of whites in racist South Africa | Special Connections

  5. rheavolans says:

    Reblogged this on Rhea's Ramblings and commented:
    An unscheduled post, but worth a read.

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