Latest Information, Mandalay Bay Shooting

MUCH new information. Previous information changed significantly.

This appears to be a whole new investigation.

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28 Responses to Latest Information, Mandalay Bay Shooting

  1. The CTH thread on this is a doozy. I cannot, and will not, and absolutely refuse to even imagine being a moderator over there. Alt*Hero needs a superhero called “Yeoman”, and that’s what he or she does for their work.

    Alt*Hero is a go. The kick-starter campaign is approaching $100k.

    Marvel and DC are trembling. And losing artists and writers to Alt*Hero. Turns out that artists and writers don’t want to be made to make leftist propaganda, and instead just want to tell a great story, and get paid better.


  2. I wish someone representing the FBI would get on the mic and justify their existence as a taxpayer-funded organization.

    “Why do you exist? Answer the question. What good do you do? Why do we pay you?”

    They knew about the Tsarnaev brothers, the Orlando Pulse shooter, the San Bernadino shooters, and even this m’fer. What did they do about it? Jack squat. The only commonality in every terrorist act in this nation since and including 9/11 is the FBI, and their foreknowledge and subsequent, seemingly intentional, inaction.

    Why does the FBI even exist? Can someone tell me?

    Liked by 1 person

    • ImpeachEmAll says:

      Why do used car salesman exist?

      Some one has to sell the product. 😉

      Speaking of selling a product,
      have a look-see of the surgery
      involved in a leg wound. Ask
      yourself if all seems normal
      during Trumps hospital visit.

      Foot injury surgery:

      LV concert patients:

      Trump visits patient with leg wound:


      • Impeach, I honestly don’t know, in answer to your last question.

        I really don’t. Maybe it’s all a media Play. Maybe it isn’t. Sometimes it sure seems like it might be. I hate that I think that. The threads at CTH are surpassing 1,600 comments.

        We see through a glass, darkly. Right now, anyway.


      • lovely says:

        Come on Impeach. You can’t equate a life threatening leg wound that shattered bones to a through and through leg wound as one and the same.

        People respond differently, the people who said yes to being interviewed by a news outlet are by the law of reason going to be generally physically healthy enough to do so and more extroverted than those who wish to maintain their privacy.

        Liked by 1 person

        • michellc says:

          I had a cousin who was shot through his calf when he was a teenager, it was an accident, not real sure exactly what happened as it was two teenagers out hunting so who knows if they ever told the real truth. lol Anyway other than clean it out and keep him in the hospital for about a week they didn’t do anything to it. They didn’t even sew it up because they said it was better for it to be able to drain. He had a small scar on one side and a large scar on the other side and that leg was always slightly smaller than his other leg due to loss of muscle.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. michellc says:

    It’s crazy that they built the entire reason he stopped shooting around the guard. Then to act like this was just a small detail.

    I get not telling the public all they know, especially if they think there is someone else out there a part of this. I can even understand lying to us to mislead if they think someone else is out there. I don’t understand lying or misleading about something like this. There would be no logical reason to make a big deal about what a hero this guy is and how the shooting stopped because of him.

    So either the guard lied about when he came up, LE misunderstood when he came up, or they’re the keystone cops or they’re throwing crap against the wall to see what sticks.

    It’s better to just say at some point the guard engaged the suspect and not give a timeline until you have a concrete timeline than it is to come off as you’re lying. That is going to have people believing you can’t trust anything you say.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovely says:

      I think that the sheriff made a mistake in telling the press that the guard was shot before the the shooting into the crowd started. He also said that officers did not know a guard had been shot until they found him on the shooters floor.

      But the sheriff also said that the mall security was aware of the guards situation.

      Could there have been a total breakdown in communication between the mall security and the other law enforcement that arrived on the scene? Possibly the information did not make it to the in charge law enforcement on the scene but I think that LE entering the scene had to expect a gunshot victim on the perpetrator’s floor.

      Sheriff Lombardo seems to hold the press in true disdain and he seems to have been taken off guard when the press puts together the time line, he says something like “I see you caught that” which indicates to me that he himself made a mistake.

      His answer for the discrepancy being a minute detail is plain silly it is a huge detail and the sheriff knows it.

      What it means I don’t know.

      Different cell charger than the phone that was in the room is not so mysterious to me, this evil killer planned this event for a long time, he had use of the room for days, he would destroy any burner phone that could connect him to anyone else, extra charger explained. (That may not be the explanation but there are simple explanations that do not include a second shooter).

      The killer seems to have been pretty much a loner in spite of the fact that he had a Filipino girlfriend. I’ve yet to hear or read anyone say that he was a warm fellow. The brother I believe is, if not complicit in some way not surprised at all over the events that took place.


      • michellc says:

        It was the undersheriff who made the big deal about the guard being a hero.
        The way that FBI guys stands staring, at times almost glaring makes me uncomfortable. It really appears as the FBI is pulling the strings.

        It’s just very odd to me that they went with the first timeline for days and in at least two press conferences then they act like it was a small detail when the timeline changes.
        Twice they gave the reason they believe the shooting stopped was due to the guard.
        I don’t trust the brother either he’s a few bricks shy of a load. I don’t really trust the girlfriend either, just because I never really believe wives/girlfriends who say they didn’t see or know about the guns.

        I don’t trust the FBI and believe we have been given numerous reasons for years as to why they shouldn’t be trusted.

        So we may never know the truth about what happened, but I don’t think I’ll be visiting Vegas anytime in the near future. Just the fact that a guy can fire 200 rounds then go on to firing hundreds more rounds out of a broken window without the room being bombarded with police and security.

        Liked by 1 person

        • lovely says:

          Agree with everything you said Michelle.

          The guard being shot before the shooting started means that they have absolutely no reason to give as to why the killer stopped shooting.

          Liked by 1 person

          • michellc says:

            It doesn’t make sense for a person who planned all of this and at least looks like he meant to kill as many as possible would suddenly just stop killing others and kill himself.
            This new timeline makes it even crazier that LE waited for over an hour before they went into his room.

            Liked by 1 person

            • lovely says:

              Yes, that is the big question, what happened to make the killer stop shooting? This one may never be solved, was he an ISIS sympathizer, a President Trump hater, deranged, did he really roll around in bed screaming and yelling God no, was he a narcissist content with knowing he would be the subject of world attention, books a Lifetime movie and was that alone worth killing as many people as possible or is there some deep state involvement?

              He lived off the grid, no social media, barely any pictures, why? Likely he led a criminal life and gambling was his cover, casinos are the perfect place to launder money, buy a million dollars in chips with cash, turn in $750,000 dollars in chips later in the day and you have $750,000 cash back in your pocket.

              He and his brother grew up under the tutelage of their psychopathic, bank robbing father, I wonder if the guns are being run for matches in any bank robberies or if facial recognition technology is being used in large collateral heists.

              Something is keeping this case on the down low, my easiest guess is one most people would likely go to, in spite of contrary claims perhaps there was a note and it said that the killer hated President Trump and President Trump’s supporters. Total conjecture only supported by the weirdness of the investigation and their public announcements, the killer was a registered democrat, a country concert was targeted.

              That said the killer also scoped out Lallapalooza which would have been filled with Chicago liberals so I go back to the killer being an evil narcissist.

              Liked by 2 people

              • michellc says:

                I keep having trouble with ISIS doubling and tripling down. I’m not an expert but reading what experts write few of them believe they would double down like they have.

                Reading Pamela Geller talk of how many times the FBI have known without doing anything makes me believe the FBI would certainly cover it up if they knew.

                Then if he was a crazed leftist, I could see the FBI covering that up as well.

                Just speaking for myself, but I’d be more comfortable if it was only a local investigation and the FBI was nowhere near it.

                Liked by 1 person

                • lovely says:


                  Too many agendas are sticking their hands in the pot.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • stella says:

                  I wonder if the local PD asked the FBI in, or if they just took over. The PD probably needed crime lab help, at the very least.


                  • michellc says:

                    They may have asked for help in regards to the girlfriend and money trail.
                    Although I think the FBI can use just about anything to come in if they want.
                    Either way, that’s probably something else we’ll never know.
                    I bet though there are officers not happy about it, the Sheriff himself might not even be happy about it, but you won’t ever hear them say it publicly.

                    Liked by 2 people

                  • stella says:

                    I think the Sheriff sounds wooden and rattled in this latest press conference. Just my opinion, but he’s not the same guy as in the past.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • michellc says:

                    He seemed a lot more agitated and just a little angry at the press. I can’t remember the exact phrase he used, but it almost sounded like he was blaming those wanting information for the mistake.

                    Regardless, none of them are helping themselves by giving out false information. If it was a mistake, then they should make sure they know it’s factual before they release it. If it was a lie then they need to know when you lie about one thing then people tend to not believe you on anything.

                    Liked by 1 person

                  • lovely says:

                    FBI has jurisdiction because the guns crossed state borders. One of the reasons mail fraud is often cited in indictments is that it crosses state lines and opens the door for the feds.

                    Liked by 2 people

                  • stella says:

                    Good point. Some of his guns were purchased in Arizona and Texas.

                    Liked by 2 people

                  • ImpeachEmAll says:

                    The DC FBI is
                    running the show;
                    not the Nevada FBI.
                    Both were bumped.


      • michellc says:

        I would also like to know about the sheriff. Locals know their sheriff. Our sheriff for instance was elected by a small minority of our county and was probably the worst of the bunch. The majority in this county wouldn’t trust him to investigate anything and that includes the majority of the deputies he’s hired, many with no LE background.
        His election is one of the holes with primaries and runoffs, only democrats ran for sheriff, so only democrats elected him.

        Liked by 1 person

        • stella says:

          I have an FB friend who grew up in Vegas and still visits there often (she lives in Lake Havasu). She says the Sheriff is a good guy and that the department is very competent.

          Liked by 1 person

          • michellc says:

            That would lean towards the FBI pulling the strings.

            I have a family member who is retired from LE, several years for the city, then the Sheriffs Department, last several years before retirement as an investigator. He doesn’t much care for the FBI and has always said if you let them even sniff an investigation they will take over and soon you know as little as the public. They use your department as your men are their paid servants.
            He says it doesn’t matter if one or two of them are decent human beings, they don’t let them have any say, they’re just left behind to try and mend the fences after the bosses tear them down.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Gil says:

              Thats about right. Here in CA, they dont even share info they are watching people with local leo. I know an instance where people who went into a police station saw a “creepy guy” hanging around while they were there all day for unrelated stuff. They reported him and a cop went out to investigate. Turned out to be fbi doing surveillance for someone else…

              Liked by 1 person

            • Lucille says:

              The FBI appears to be leading the investigation. The sheriff doesn’t like it and doesn’t like that he’s being manipulated, told what he can and cannot say, thus his anger. I doubt he likes the FBI agents on a personal basis either…just something in the way he seems to interact with them. He knows he’s competent and they are making him look like a bozo. He’d like to knock a few heads, no doubt.

              Liked by 2 people

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